The winners of the Students category

The winners of the Students category

1° PRIZE Students: TONDO TONDO, Nicola da Dalto (Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Corso di Design del Prodotto Industriale)
For the simple and refined modular composition of squares and circles, highlighted by contrasting shades of the same veneer to obtain a three-dimensional surface effect

2° PRIZE Students: INCASTRI, Stefano Bertolini (Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera, Corso di Decorazione)
For the smart axonometric interweaving of geometric figures with three-dimensional chiaroscuro effects that enhance the figurative possibilities of the technique of inlay reinterpreted in a modern way

3° PRIZE Students: ORO NERO - Francesco Roversi, Greta Cappellini, Alessia Marchesi, (Politecnico di Milano, Scuola del design)

For the harmonious combination of different polygonal figures where the apparent randomness of the shapes is reduced to a complex compatibility in which the bright colours of wood are enhanced

Special mentions

WAI - Beatrice Milanesi, Martina Grassi, Alice Carrera, Marco Petazzoni (Politecnico di Milano, Corso di Design del Prodotto)

For the allusive and elegant composition of concentric circles that recalls the natural growth rings of sawn trunks transformed into decorative maxi motif milled on a uniform wood species

HIVE WAVE - Andrea Mastroianni, Nicholas Berto, Niccolò Puglisi (Politecnico di Milano, Design del Prodotto Industriale)
For the refined three-dimensional decorative effect obtained by composing inlays of wood of different colours and sizes composed on a hexagonal honeycomb base, thus creating a surprising chiaroscuro that gives the surface an undulating effect.